

Between More Design and Formfty Manufacturing 

We are【More Design x Formfty Manufacturing】
Specializing in undertaking various design commissions from both domestic and international clients and providing comprehensive design services.
From concept to rapid prototyping validation and precise quality inspection, materializing the concept, assisting in product quantification for mass production, and diverse processing procedures.
Not only specializing in SLA light-curing 3D printing, but also in technologies like SLS nylon printing, SLM metal printing, as well as professional measurement equipment and reverse scanning devices.
Provide professional advice to clients, dedicated to transforming design concepts into practical applications, creating the optimal combination.


More Design Work

More Design Product Design and Development

Formfty Manufacturing

Formfty Manufacturing Rapid Prototyping

3D Printer Material

Printing materials

3D Solutions

Equipment sales

Formfty Hub

3D Printing Hub


Cooperating customers


【墨設計 x 極印製造】


- 敏捷式工業設計服務(MARKETING/ ID/ ME)
- 3D列印服務 (快速模型製作,驗證與客製化量產)
- 智慧製造軟硬體整合解決方案顧問與銷售(AI/ ESG)


主要商品 / 服務項目




關於【墨設計 x 極印製造】:






Tel: (02) 2901-2691 Fax: (02)2901-2391
Email: service@formfty.com
Address: 台北市中山區中山北路三段40號(極印快速成型股份有限公司)
No. 40, Section 3, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
 Formfty Rapid Product Development and Management Co., Ltd.
Business hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00(12:30-01:30 lunch break).

All rights reserved @2024
More Design Innovation Co.,Ltd
Formfty Rapid Product Development and Management Co., Ltd.